GEORGE LYNCH To Hold Two-Day Guitar Seminar In Los Angeles
May 9, 2007Whether you're a beginning player or have already achieved shredder status as a guitarist, George Lynch knows that you always have room to improve. That's the idea behind his intensive guitar education program known as the George Lynch Dojo, a monthly instructional series that allows for students to take advantage of George's techniques via video, sound files, and formal music/tablature available at the guitarist's web site.
While the Dojo program's success is unarguable, sometimes the best instructional environment happens in a face-to-face setting. To facilitate this, Lynch has set up a two-day seminar and workshop scheduled for June 9-10, 2007, to be held at the Fourpoints (LAX) Sheraton hotel. Lynch will be on hand to host the event, which includes two days of guitar bedlam and instruction by Lynch himself as well as a team of well-known special guests and industry speakers. To accommodate multiple players of varying skill levels, the participants will be broken into smaller groups for individualized instruction.
"There's a responsibility for an artist to pass along his knowledge to new generations of players," said Lynch. "Our two-day seminar represents an excellent opportunity for guitarists to get an intense amount of knowledge put in front of them, in a way that they can count on will lead to their immediate improvement as a player and composer."
All amplification for the event is provided (as well as complete catering),but students are asked to bring their own guitars with them. Near the conclusion of the weekend, a "super jam" will be held, along with the presentation of certificates, swag, and a DVD of the event.
Individuals can register for the event at www.georgelynch.com. Special group rates for multiple attendees are available by calling 800-529-4683 and mentioning the George Lynch Guitar Academy.
About George Lynch: As one of the most recognizable names in heavy metal guitar, George Lynch's musical career spans three decades. Best known for his Grammy-nominated work with the band DOKKEN in the 1980s, George Lynch has also been the driving force behind LYNCH MOB as well as his own solo projects. Having recorded over 20 albums, as well as co-designing dozens of music and audio products, George's focus in the 2000s is his guitar instruction program known as the George Lynch Guitar Dojo.